
Unbiased and independent news. Crowdsourced and democratized, always showing you different perspectives on each story.




The brief

In the era of fake news and “alternative facts”, how do we navigate and choose what sources to trust and read online? This is the problem Viktor, CTO, founder of Newsvoice and ex-Googler, set out to solve. He builds a platform that helps people decide what to trust online, giving reader personalized news feed by aggregating major news sites, as well as international and independent media. Each news story always shows multiple perspectives and sources. Redmind was happy to support their mission by investing in their seed round.


Having Redmind as an investor in has been a great experience. Not only have they provided capital and advice, but also design resources and an extensive contact network.

Viktor Lidholt

Founder and CEO of Newsvoice


Our solution

As a venture studio, we aim to always provide hands-on value to the companies we work with, unlike most of our partners and clients Viktor did not need any help building his platform. We invested in Newsvoice at the seed stage and we took an active role within the Newsvoice board, supporting Viktor as a new CEO. We helped with talent recruitment, investors networking, and outreach, and closely collaborated on product design workshops. We also co-created a monthly meet-up for Flutter development to help maintain and nurture the advanced technology of the Newsvoice platform and Viktor's position in the Swedish technical ecosystem.


Viktor is a gifted founder, it has been a pleasure to support him and his team, we have been able to expand on our relationship and genuinely work together

Jean-Francois Moreau

Director of Innovation at Redmind


The outcome

Newsvoices continued global pandemic and US election – both defined by fake news and misinformation on a vast scale. We continue to work with their team as co-owner.

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